Altar Team Member           

To maintain the altar/communion and worship space in ways which enhance worship and
alleviate tasks for the worship team

Responsible to:
The worship team / Ministerial team.

Description of Duties:
To work with other members of the team assisting in all duties of the Altar Team, stepping in wherever and whenever necessary:  i. e. Changing seasonal banners / altar cloths; assisting in communion set ups/clean ups/servers; maintain Altar candles;  assist with Easter flowers; Thanksgiving worship; Advent/Christmas/Poinsettia agenda;  work with ministers.

*Time Requirements: All examples are teamwork - assisting and helping each other

  1. Once a month-Communion                            Time - 1 to 2 hrs.
  2. Once a week - Sunday flowers                       Time - 1-2 hrs. a week (as needed)
  3. Seasonal - Banner changes                             Time - 1-2 hrs per change of banner
  4. Altar Candles                                                  Time - twice monthly or as needed
  5. Easter - Lily sales / sign ups / set up             Time - 1-2 hrs  or as needed
  6. Thanksgiving set up                                       Time - 1-2 hrs or as needed
  7. Advent set up                                                  Time - 1-2 hrs  or as needed
  8. Christmas                                                       Time - 1-2 hrs  or as needed
  9. Altar Team Meetings                                     Time - 4 per year or as needed

Term:  two years or as long as you are enjoying the ministry

Training and Resources:  On the job training, working with and assisting each other on the team.
Job descriptions for each job (a work in progress).

Skills and gifts:  Enthusiasm, team coordination, creativity.

Benefits to one serving in this role:  working with ministerial and staff, creating beautiful worship space,  and knowledge of a job well done.

Completed by/date: Sharon W. Smith, Altar Team- Co-Chair, December 5, 2012